Friday, May 13, 2016

Presidency of the Seventy

     After our three-year assignment was completed in Brazil, we returned home and I served for one year as the President of the North America Northwest Area. This area included Alaska, British Columbia, Washington and Oregon. Following that assignment, I was called into the Presidency of the Seventy for six additional years. 
     During those three assignments, I had the opportunity to re-organize a total of 75 stakes. Our main charge from the First Presidency during these re-organizations was to decide who would be the new stake president as directed by the Spirit. This was often a unique experience as we needed to receive revelation on a short and timed schedule. I consider these experiences some of the most distinctive spiritual experiences I have ever had.
     One experience in particular stands out. We were re-organizing the Jun Jiai Stake in Brazil one weekend. It was typical there to have a youth talent show the Friday night before the stake conference. Many young people performed, and often non-member parents came to see their children in the show. I shook hands with many, many people that had come for the evening. I shook hands with a particular brother and I heard a voice say: “This is the man.” I didn’t know a thing about him. I didn’t know if he was a member of the church, a full-tithe payer, etc., but knew without a doubt he was who should be called. We proceeded with the interviews as scheduled the next day and he was called.
     While in the Presidency of the Seventy, we were not assigned a specific region of the world as is currently the case. We simply went where we were assigned to Regional Conferences and to Area trainings. We had the opportunity to visit some wonderful parts of the world to conduct these trainings and to meet, and be with, remarkable saints all over the world.
     During the years I served in the Presidency of the Seventy, I sat next to Aldin Porter. He became just like a blood brother to me and we became the dearest of friends. We have been in contact at least every month since our release, and often much more frequently. We have often visited him in his home where he is now home-bound and enjoy sweet conversation together.

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